Design & Mfg. Software

Creating a Digital Twin of Your Mold: Setting Up for Success

Tips for laying the groundwork for optimizing your mold design.

Design & Mfg. Software

Technology Roundup: Software

MMT highlights data and design manufacturing software offered to moldmakers, from virtual reality education for the injection molding process to interactive mold quoting software and CAM software that optimizes blow mold manufacturing.

Design & Mfg. Software

Best Practices for Hitting Critical Numbers: Communication and the Shrinkage Factor

Start with an upfront review, discussion and collaboration with the customer and then consider the shrinkage factor.
#basics #FAQ

Data Management Software

Updated Software Suite Improves Shop Efficiency

R.E.R. Software’s InFocus product suite Version 1.4.2 now includes a web-based Business Intelligence (BI) tool for real-time tracking and dashboard/report customization.

Design & Mfg. Software

Access to CAD-to-CAM Workflow with Advanced Modeling Tools Accelerate Solid Model Preparation

Hexagon is helping mold and die manufacturers improve their productivity by giving every WORKNC CAM software user access to its CAD-to-CAM workflow, Designer, to ensure that components are both feasible and optimized for efficient production.

Data Management Software

Interactive Mold Quoting Software for Toolmakers

Made for moldmakers, Tier-level suppliers and OEMs, JDL Technical Service’s ToolQuote software ensures, consistent, accurate and easy use.

Hot Runners

Injection Molding Process Control System Provides Traceable Data and Valve Gate Control

RJG showcases its CoPilot injection molding process control system, which is said to be user-friendly and enable users to collect traceable process data and now includes valve gate control.

Data Management Software

How to Focus Better on the Business Side of Projects with Nontraditional ERP

The right ERP solution can help a mold manufacturer run the facility like a project-based business to increase productivity and profitability.
#basics #FAQ #analysis

Design & Mfg. Software

Understanding Visual Search in Mold Manufacturing

Visual search technology for shapes stored in digital data improves efficiency in design and engineering, parts sourcing, consolidation of duplicate parts and savings on unnecessary tooling.
#basics #FAQ

Data Management Software

2021 Sourcing & Technology Guide: Software

Design and engineering are essential to building a better and more cost-effective mold with shorter lead times. A variety of software is available to help overcome the daily challenges faced with data, quoting, designing and programming.