
FAQs on Leadtime Leader Questionnaire

Explanations of individual questions on Leadtime Leader Awards Competition submission form. 
#regulations #leadtimeleader


First Pass Quality Rate

The percentage of product that passed inspection on first attempt; i.e. no re-work was required.

Example: if 8 of 10 of batches required no re-work after they were first produced, you would enter 80%

On Time Delivery Rate

The percentage of goods delivered to customers on or before the committed delivery date

Example: If 9 of 10 orders were delivered on time, you would enter 90%

Lead Time

The average number of weeks from receipt of order to delivery to customer

Sales Growth Rate

The 2023 revenue that is incremental to your 2022 revenue, as a percentage of your 2022 revenue

Formula = (2023 gross sales - 2022 gross sales)/2022 gross sales

Example: if your 2023 sales were $5000 and your 2022 sales were $4000, you would enter 25%

Age 25 & Under Representation

The number of shop floor employees under age 25 relative to your usual total number of shop floor employees

Example: If, on average, 5 shop floor employees were under age 25 and your usual shop floor staff totaled 30, you would enter 17%

Apprentice to Journeyman Ratio

The number of apprentices relative to the number of journeyman on staff

Example: If, on average, you employed 2 apprentices and 8 journeymen, you would enter 25%

New Customer Rate

The number of 2023 customers who were new to your shop in 2023

Example: If you had 5 customers in 2021 who were not customers in 2022 or prior, and a total of 40 customers in 2022, you would enter 12.5%