Watch as two apprentices in Anova Innovation’s mold design apprenticeship program answer the following questions:
What do you each consider the most valuable aspect of the apprenticeship?
What has been your biggest challenge so far?
Any feedback on how to improve this apprenticeship better?
Has your perspective on moldmaking been changed as you move through this program and by working in a company like Anova?
Watch this quick MMT Chat to hear more from Alex and Nolan about Anova’s mold design apprenticeship program.
For the full quick chat, watch above, and for more MMT Chats, click here.
Electroform and Hononegah High School Partner for Hands-On Moldmaking Education
Electroform teamed up with Hononegah High School to give engineering and manufacturing students a hands-on moldmaking experience — including the design process, machining of components, assembly and mold sampling.
MMT Chats: Molding, Mold Design, Project Management and Marbles, Part 2
MMT Editorial Director Christina Fuges continues her conversation with MMT EAB Member Mike Close of SMC Ltd. We chat about master molders, project management/mold design, and yes, marbles! This episode is brought to you by ISCAR with New Ideas for Machining Intelligently.
MMT Chats: It’s About Software, Speed and Service for this Mold Designer
MoldMaking Technology Editorial Director Christina Fuges introduces new MMT Editorial Advisory Board Member Justin Jagels, Owner/President of J Squared Design Services in Arkansas City, Kansas. This episode is brought to you by ISCAR with New Ideas for Machining Intelligently.