This episode is brought to you by ISCAR with New Ideas for Machining Intelligently.
TK Mold & Engineering President Tom Barr, Mold Designer Jonny Salter and Apprentice Nick Baetens share their definitions of mentoring and how the right culture and leadership strategy will foster true mentorship.
Here are a few takeaways from the conversation to whet your appetite for this 20-minute chat:
- TK Mold started in 2003 to design and build molds for the medical, automotive and aerospace industries. Today it has 24 employees in a 16,000-square foot facility.
- 10 employees are under 30 years of age. 8 are current apprentices in their apprentice program.
- Mentoring is teaching, coaching, sharing. A mentor is eager, excited and passionate about sharing their experience.
- Tom took an EDM class alongside two of his next-generation workers at a community college and then used that experience to build a relationship that helps TK Mold cultivate its next generation of employees via apprentice and mentorship.
- TK has an internal champion for the apprenticeship program.
- When you are looking for that next generation, you have to think and do differently to find them.
- Lead by example means literally learning alongside your apprentices/your team.
- Associations and other trade organizations are vital to connecting with others in your world.
For the full quick chat, watch above, and for more MMT Chats, click here.
This episode is brought to you by ISCAR
with New Ideas for Machining Intelligently.
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