
Three-Axis Milling, Jig Grinding Machine Precisely Machines Large Molds

Roeders’ RXU 2000 is suited for 3D milling, jig grinding, vertical grinding or profile grinding for moldmaking applications such as  large mold plates and large, flat injection molds with fine contours.


Photo Credit: Roeders

The RXU 2000 is a high-precision three-axis milling and jig grinding machine for large dimensions from machine tool company Roeders. The machine is reported to achieve maximum precision when workpieces and molds with particularly large dimensions have to be machined. Designed for exceptional accuracy combined with high performance in machining hardened materials, the plant has a working area of 2,000 x 1,800 x 800 mm. The work table is designed for loads of up to 5 tons. The Z-axis stroke has been intentionally limited in order to ensure maximum accuracy.

Roeders says the RXU 2000 is suited for 3D milling as well as for jig grinding, vertical grinding or profile grinding. This combination of operations in one setup on the same machine is particularly ideal for many jobs in machine and moldmaking including large mold plates (such as for progressive dies); large, flat injection molds with fine contours (for seals), which have to be machined with relatively small tools; machine components (like guide rails); and large, high-precision workpieces.

Linear direct drives in all axes as well as a distinctive temperature management system for the entire machine ensure optimized accuracy, even during long machining jobs. Both the Z- and Y-axis feature rigid and sturdy Roeders Quadroguide design. The machine bed dampens vibrations. Accuracies of less than 5 µm can be achieved in the entire working area, the company claims, as well as a roundness of 1-2 µm depending on the size of the bore.

A spindle with 101 Nm (S1), 22,000 rpm and HSK A63 achieves high metal removal rates. Alternatively, spindles with up to 80,000 rpm are available, depending on the application. On request, the machining center can also be equipped with an additional high-precision air bearing spindle.